Each card costs 30 Craft Points to create and can only be made using Craft Points of the same rarity, which players can obtain by dismantling cards of that particular rarity. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel features four card rarities, including Normal, Rare, Super Rare, and Ultra Rare, and each of these rarities has its own corresponding type of Craft Points. Related: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: The Best Structure Deck to Choose First Finally, once players have found the card they want to craft, they can simply select “Generate” to craft a copy of that card to add to their card list. Players can also view other relevant cards in a certain archetype by searching for a card they want and selecting “Related Cards” in the card’s menu.

To craft a card in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, players can open the Deck Menu and access any of the decks they’ve created or bought by selecting “Edit Deck.” From there, any card in the card list can be chosen to craft a copy of it, or players can craft new cards by searching a specific card or archetype and toggling the card list to show all cards instead of just cards that are already owned.