ago Dawn of a New Era has a history of spreading malware and just a bad history in general, so you probably won’t find many people around here as we don’t suggest using it. By using our games you support all our projects including the duel disk project. Yu-Gi-Oh Fantasy anime Action anime Anime 9 comments Best Artiquin 2 yr. We are in the process of developing real duel disks. If you already have a TDOANE account then your stats, friend list, team and other settings will synchronize across the two games. YGOPRO 2 and Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of a New Era (TDOANE) share the same servers. Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz is a Starter Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game (TCG). Thousands of new decks are added every day.

Once you install the game, register, then log in, create your deck and start dueling. Deck, the largest database of the latest ygopro decks in the world, all decks are available for free. Start off downloading the game, after you finish the download, run the installer and follow the on-screen prompts. Due to the fact that we add cards before they are officially printed, weekly tournaments give players the opportunity to try the cards out before purchasing them. You can customize the game to your liking, this includes customizing game textures, sounds and card images. As soon as you install the game you can use all cards for free. Yu-Gi-Oh The Dawn of a New Era (TDOANE) is an automatic, free to play Yu-Gi-Oh online game, which gives players access to all released cards while continually adding new cards as soon as they are announced. On top of all this, TDOANE is fully customizable, allowing the player to change all game textures and sounds – including card sleeves.YGOPRO 2 is a free to play Yu-Gi-Oh! online game offering the latest yugioh cards. TDOANE also comes with dueling puzzles and skill tests. In addition to the multiplayer section, players can duel against our single player characters which include Yugi, Kaiba and Joey as well as, the Dueling Robot who may use the latest top-tier decks. TDOANE is based on the YGOPro dueling engine, it comes with a number of features including single, match and tag duels in rated or unrated dueling modes. The game can be downloaded from here: Download YGOPro.įor anyone new to our website, YGOPro The Dawn of a New Era (TDOANE) is an automatic, free to play Yu-Gi-Oh! online game, which gives players access to all released cards while continually adding new cards as soon as they are announced. To see the full list of new cards, please check the patch notes. YGOPro The Dawn of a New Era 5.1.0 has been released, the dueling client has been updated with a number of new features including: